Saturday, 28 February 2009
The universities of Cambridge and Oxford will accept the advanced diploma in engineering for entry to its undergraduate engineering courses.
The move by the elite universities will give the government's flagship qualification a welcome boost after the numbers taking up diplomas this September were lower than expected.
Diploma students could apply next year to start courses at the universities in 2010 but the numbers are expected to be very small.
Students studying the diploma will need to include physics A-level and the A-level equivalent Level 3 certificate in mathematics for engineering as part of the additional specialist learning section.
They will also be expected to demonstrate the same level of academic aptitude and potential as other candidates and undertake the extended project and principal learning elements of the diploma.
University engineering departments have helped draw up the content of the new diploma to make sure it is robust enough to prepare students for degrees.
Dr Geoff Parks, Cambridge's admissions director, said he had been heavily involved and was pleased the qualification would now be acceptable as preparation for the university's engineering courses.
"The engineering diploma is an interesting new qualification combining practical and theoretical learning in innovative ways.
"I very much hope that its introduction will not only help address the skills shortage in a discipline that is vital to the country's economic wellbeing but also extend opportunities to talented young people from all backgrounds."
Mike Nicholson, head of undergraduate admissions at Oxford, said: "We already welcome engineering candidates with a wide range of qualifications and see the value in considering those studying the advanced diploma in this subject.
"We are keen to encourage appropriately qualified applicants to apply regardless of their school or college background."
Dr John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said the move was critical.
"To succeed the diploma needs strong support from industry and universities but specifically support from the top universities," he said.
"This support is extremely important for schools and colleges who are encouraging their students to do the diplomas.
"This announcement is critically important in ensuring greater parity of esteem between with A-levels and ensuring that diplomas don't become second-class qualifications."
Malcolm Carr-West, academic advisor at the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre, said: "A number of universities are looking at it very favourably provided the maths element is okay for them."
A number of universities helped develop the maths for engineering element of the diploma based on a pre-entry course at Loughborough University.
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